Rejoice, Because BoJack Horseman Returns to Netflix in September

Good news, BoJack fans! On Twitter today, the show announced that one of 2017’s best and weepiest series is finally returning to Netflix for its fifth season in September so please stop bugging them about it. Write the date down now: Friday, September 14:wooowwww congratulations you are the 10000000 person

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Source: Ent News

Why Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s Joint Album Didn’t Debut at No. 1

For all of Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s world-stopping power, they can’t control the powers that be – the Billboard charts. Despite dominating the conversation, music industry, and universe with their surprise joint album, Everything Is Love, they ultimately weren’t the favorites on this week’s Billboard 200. Instead, they lost out to,

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Source: Ent News

Nicolas Cage Is in a Bloody, Screaming Chainsaw Fight in First Mandy Trailer

In the movie Mandy, Nicolas Cage and Andrea Riseborough live in remote tranquility until an absolutely bananas cult kidnaps her. There’s endless screaming and blood and even a chainsaw fight, but to tell you much more would defeat the show-all extravaganza of writer-director Panos Cosmatos’s heavy-metal horror nightmare. Suffice to

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Source: Ent News

Ant-Man and the Wasp Is Harmless, Gimmicky Fun

Where other so-called “franchises” fall into monotony, Marvel Studios under Disney has an uncanny knack for shifting gears, so that just after we’ve been softened up — or, rather, pulped — by the scorched-earth epic, Avengers: Infinity War, we get the hearty slapstick family comedy, Ant Man and the Wasp.

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Source: Ent News

Report: Joe Jackson, Jackson Family Patriarch, Dead at 89

Joe Jackson, the Jackson family patriarch, has died at 89, TMZ reports. He had reportedly battled cancer and was hospitalized in June. According to TMZ, he died on Wednesday in Los Angeles surrounded by his wife, Katherine, and some of his children and grandchildren. Jackson infamously managed his son Michael

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Source: Ent News

The Handmaid’s Tale Got Oprah to Do a Hidden Voice-Cameo

Amid the pervading bleakness of The Handmaid’s Tale, June caught a brief bit of warmth in this week’s episode thanks to the sound of a very familiar, very comforting voice. After discovering a potential getaway car early in the episode, June tunes into what’s dubbed “Radio Free America,” a resistance

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Source: Ent News

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Makes a Case for Its Big Dick Energy

The promotion for Quentin Tarantino’s 1970s-set Once Upon a Time in Hollywood — “a unique take on the Manson Family murders” —continues. After all those casting announcements and an appearance at CinemaCon, on Wednesday morning Leonardo DiCaprio shared a first look via his Instagram, sharing an image of himself and

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Source: Ent News

’80s Pop Star Rockwell Visits Late Night to Sing About BBQ Becky and Permit Patty

Between Permit Patty and BBQ Becky, we’ve seen several stories recently about white women calling the cops on black people who are just going about their daily lives. So during last night’s Late Night, Seth Meyers welcomed writer Amber Ruffin ’80s pop star Rockwell to sing a new take on

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Source: Ent News