Pussy Riot Says They Were Behind the World Cup Final Disruption

If you were knocking back some brewskis and enjoying the World Cup final between France and Croatia a few moments ago, you’d know that the shots of Mbappé joyously running around were temporarily replaced by four people unexpectedly storming the field to disrupt the match. It was swiftly dealt with

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Source: Ent News

Lost Stanley Kubrick Screenplay Has the Courtesy to Show Itself After 60 Years

It was a real non-spacey odyssey to get it, but let’s not hark upon the past, shall we? A script co-written by Stanley Kubrick has been discovered after 60 years of MIA status, reports The Guardian. The script, titled Burning Secret and written with novelist Calder Willingham in 1956, served

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Source: Ent News

Sacha Baron Cohen Wants to Arm America’s Toddlers, Whatever the Cost, in This Who Is America? Clip

Grab your popcorn and semiwadcutters, dear readers. For the first clip of Sacha Baron Cohen’s Who Is America? series is all about guns, or more tantalizingly, how to get “deadly weapons into the hands of American schoolchildren” with the help of some enthusiastic gun rights activists and politicians. Anti-terror expert

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Source: Ent News

Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Threatens to Expose the ‘#MeToo Issues’ of James Woods

Maybe he’s acting out because his agent dropped him on the Fourth of July. James Woods, who was accused of creepy, misogynistic behavior by Amber Tamblyn in an open letter last year, is now feeling the wrath of lawyer Michael Avenatti, who’s threatening to expose his alleged history of #MeToo-related

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Source: Ent News

Every Time Sacha Baron Cohen Says ‘My Wife’ in His New Show

In the first episode of his new Showtime series Who Is America?, Sacha Baron Cohen says “my wife” once.How many times will Sacha Baron Cohen say “my wife” in next week’s episode? This is a developing story.

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Source: Ent News

Sacha Baron Cohen’s Who Is America? Characters, Ranked

At his core, Sacha Baron Cohen is a French clowning and Peter Sellers devotee, who prides himself in his ability to create characters that are both deeply absurd yet still believable in the real world. His three characters from The Ali G Show — Ali G, Borat, and Brüno —

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Source: Ent News

SNL Is ‘Good Training for Parenthood,’ Says Former Cast Member Andy Samberg

Andy Samberg has had quite a year: that Brooklyn Nine-Nine ordeal, the Lonely Island’s first concert, the release of Hotel Transylvania 3, and, most importantly, fatherhood. In an interview with the New York Times, Samberg gushed about his one-year-old daughter (“It’s been the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”)

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Source: Ent News

CBS Evening News Anchor Jeff Glor Bags Two Surprise Sit-Down Interviews With Trump

It’s the battle of the Trump interviews: former CNN host (and “friend of Trump”) Piers Morgan vs. CBS Evening News anchor Jeff Glor. On Friday, Morgan, a brash British television personality, announced his exclusive 30-minute interview with Trump aboard Air Force One, which airs Sunday morning on ITV’s Good Morning Britain. But

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Source: Ent News