MTV’s Royal World Will Be an Aristocratic Real World Spinoff

Cashing in on the royal fever undoubtedly brought forth by Meghan Markle and her wild family, MTV announced a new reality series called The Royal World to quench our thirst. Per Variety, the show will document “the exclusive, unfiltered lives of young royals and aristocrats,” and will likely feature nobility scattered

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Source: Ent News

52 Great True-Crime Podcasts

All week long, Vulture is exploring the many ways true crime has become one of the most dominant genres in popular culture.

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Source: Ent News

How TV’s Biggest True-Crime Players Find Their Stories

All week long, Vulture is exploring the many ways true crime has become one of the most dominant genres in popular culture.While Serial famously inspired a wave of true-crime storytelling on podcasts, HBO’s The Jinx and Netflix’s Making a Murderer arguably made the boom real on television. Now, after three

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Source: Ent News

The 10 Best Burns From the Comedy Central Roast of Bruce Willis

It’s hard to tell exactly why Comedy Central chose Bruce Willis for its latest roast. Glass — the third installment of the Unbreakable series — won’t be released until early 2019, his roles of late have been generally lackluster, and he’s not known as the type of guy who really

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Source: Ent News

Gwyneth Paltrow, Who Has Good Hair, Is Denying She’s Béyonce’s ‘Becky With the Good Hair’

Back in 2016 when the world was simpler and Castle was still on, Beyoncé did the world a favor and dropped her surprise visual album, Lemonade, to much fanfare and intrigue. Oh, the intrigue! Before we had the mystery of #WhoBitBeyoncé, we were trying to crack the case of “Becky

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Source: Ent News

Selma Blair Quits Twitter in Solidarity With James Gunn

Vocalizing her support for director James Gunn after he was fired by Disney from directing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Selma Blair has decided to quit Twitter as a further means of protest. Tweeting a farewell message on Saturday evening, Blair wrote that you can follow her on other,

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Source: Ent News

What Would Anthony Bourdain Think of Gordon Ramsay’s New Food-Travel Show?

Maybe he won’t be so shout-happy in this one. Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay is on the receiving end of a new food and travel show from the Nat Geo network, dubbed Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted. Per Variety, the series will be structured to feature one city or region per episode and

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Source: Ent News

Marvel’s Runaways Goes From Hulu to Freeform

The Hulu original series Marvel’s Runaways will air on Freeform for the first time August 2nd. Deadline is reporting that the first episode of the series will make it’s broadcast television debut after the season finale of the network’s only other Marvel show, Cloak and Dagger. The move is not

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Source: Ent News