Barry Jenkins Remembers a Racist Moment During His Moonlight Campaign

Sunday night at the world premiere of If Beale Street Could Talk at the Toronto International Film Festival, the writer and director Barry Jenkins ended the onstage Q&A portion — often a quick and slightly cursory proceeding — with a deeply felt personal story about why the film is so important.

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Source: Ent News

Trump Ran for President Because He Was Jealous of Gwen Stefani, Michael Moore Says

There are many theories as to why Donald Trump ran for president. Some say it was because Seth Meyers and President Obama made fun of him at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, others say it was to further his business, and this week, Michael Moore told The Hollywood Reporter

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Source: Ent News

Six More Women Accuse Les Moonves of Sexual Assault and Harassment

In the midst of CBS reportedly preparing a significant settlement package for Les Moonves’s departure from the company, six more women have accused the company chairman of various instances of sexual harassment and assault over the past three decades. In a new report by The New Yorker, the women —

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Source: Ent News

Movie Review: Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 11/9 Is a Must-See

You could argue that Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 11/9 has too many irons in the fire, being variously an acid evocation of the rise of Donald Trump, a peroration against establishment Democrats (among them both Clintons and Barack Obama), an earnest exhortation to grass-roots activism, and an alarmist examination of the

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Source: Ent News

Sarah Silverman Helped Louis C.K.’s Daughter Rationalize How He Could Do Such ‘Bad Things’

In the first season of her Hulu show I Love You, America, Sarah Silverman delivered an impassioned monologue about her long-time pal, Louis C.K., and if you can still love a person despite their startling history of sexual harassment. Her thesis? She thinks you can, but you can also reserve

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Source: Ent News

You Premiere Recap: Lonely Boy Is a Psycho Now

What is You? It is the answer to the question, “What if Gossip Girl’s Dan Humphrey tried to write his own version of American Psycho and set it in the present day so he could be super-judgy about (spooky voice) sooOooocial meeeEEEeedia”?, which is a question that I personally didn’t

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Source: Ent News

Ariana Grande Honors Ex-Boyfriend Mac Miller With Photo Tribute

On Friday, 26 year-old rapper Mac Miller died of a suspected drug overdose, which prompted an avalanche of trolls to flood the Instagram page of his ex-girlfriend, Ariana Grande, with nasty, blame-centric comments. Grande had, perhaps unsurprisingly, been silent about Miller’s death for this reason, finally choosing to address his

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Source: Ent News

Drake and Meek Mill Are Friends Now, Isn’t That Nice?

It could be said that almost no one was doing more to unite America on Saturday night than Drake and Meek Mill in Boston. The two rappers finally squashed their infamous years-old beef by appearing on stage together during Drake’s set on the Aubrey and the Three Migos Tour. It

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Source: Ent News