So, Who’s Modern Family Killing Off This Season?

The Grim Reaper has finally come for a member of the Pritchett-Dunphy clan, and no amount of intervening from the ABC overlords can prevent it. In the upcoming tenth season of Modern Family — which will likely be its last, but who knows anymore — a “significant” character will die,

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Source: Ent News

Anna Kendrick, Somehow, Got Away With Calling President Obama an ‘Asshole’ to His Face

2012 was a simpler time, when we could call our President an asshole in an endearing, funny way and capture the moment for the masses to enjoy. Right? That’s a thing, right? That’s what Anna Kendrick did anyway, when she had the opportunity to meet President Obama at a Los

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Source: Ent News

Forever Recap: Different From Us

The fourth of episode of Forever is, in many ways, a revitalization: the appearance of a new neighbor, Kase, played by Catherine Keener, is a shot of adrenaline that’s to the series’ benefit. Oscar and June’s monotony had begun to slowly unspool, but it’s easy to see that, left to

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Source: Ent News

American Vandal Recap: Kendall Jenner Is My Best Friend

I don’t want to keep saying things like, “Hey, remember last season of this show, which was transcendentally good in a way that I can’t imagine having to live up to,” but this season has yet to find its “Who did the dicks?” moment — a recurring question/rallying cry/shibboleth that

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Source: Ent News

The Hunt for the Trump Tapes Doesn’t Seem Likely to Uncover Much

The idea that Tom Arnold could be the person to bring down President Donald Trump sounds completely ridiculous. Then again, pretty much every story involving presidential politics in 2018 sounds completely ridiculous so, hey, sure, why not? If the ex-husband of Roseanne Barr and the star of 1996’s The Stupids

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Source: Ent News

Who Will Host the 2018 SNL Season Premiere?

When the premiere of Saturday Night Live takes place on September 29, fans will focus on the cold open and the newly minted players, but the first guest host sets the tone for the coming season. Certainly, Lorne Michaels and his casting directors yearn for the magical sort of performer

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Source: Ent News

Multiply Nicolas Cage by Nicolas Cage, Add Cocaine and Battle Axes, and You Get Mandy

This piece was originally published during the Sundance Film Festival.Has Nicolas Cage reached his final form? If you subscribe to the Pokémon theory of evolution, he should have blown through his three phases long ago: First, there was his stint as an unusual young up-and-comer, then he became an Oscar-winning

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Source: Ent News

11 New Video Games to Play This Fall

The end of 2018 is shaping up to be an aggressively safe period for video games, one full of comfort food and iterative takes on recently reinvented franchises. You won’t be introduced to much that’s extremely new, but you’re bound to find something crunchy and filling — dense, intricate entertainment

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Source: Ent News