Forever Recap: It’s Exhausting

The penultimate episode of Forever’s first season opens with Oscar reading a letter from June. We don’t really need to see it to know what it says: June left with Kase for Oceanside. It certainly speaks to the state of her marriage that June couldn’t have that conversation in person.

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Source: Ent News

BoJack Horseman Recap: Crashing

What’s real? BoJack asks himself this as the lines between his real life and his life as Philbert begin to blur. But through the haze, the last day of shooting suddenly arrives not with a bang, but with an whimper. The sudden stop leaves BoJack feeling empty, but all should

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Source: Ent News

American Vandal Recap: Blackmail and Corn Chips

“She paid us on the spot. You’ve gotta respect her for that. If you’re rich and you’re a terrible driver, that’s the way to be, that’s responsible.” —DeMarcus Tillman on Jenna Hawthorne“Because I was there and I helped, but I didn’t do it … I just did the gym and

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Source: Ent News

Male SNL Cast Members Made Maya Rudolph Feel Bad About Her Hair

Saturday Night Live has a notoriously bad track record when it comes to hiring women of color, with Maya Rudolph, who was on the show from 2000-2007, being one of the show’s few examples of diverse hiring. (Leslie Jones and Sasheer Zamata have since followed in her footsteps.) While Rudolph

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Source: Ent News

TIFF Review: If Beale Street Could Talk Is Romance on Top, Despair Beneath the Surface

With his third feature, an adaptation of James Baldwin’s novel If Beale Street Could Talk, Barry Jenkins has cemented his style: lush romance on top, hyper-realistic despair just beneath the surface. The title is symbolic: The film takes place in Manhattan and not on the Memphis Street where the blues

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Source: Ent News

Forever Recap: This Is Just for You

The conflicts fueling June and Oscar’s discord finally begin converging in Forever’s fifth episode. Faced with the news that nothing is ever truly destroyed in this new life (death!), June has to contend with the fact that it’s unlikely anything will ever really change.All of this comes to a head

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Source: Ent News

Bachelor in Paradise’s Jenna Cooper Vows to Clear Her Name From Cheating Scandal ‘Fraud’

ABC’s annual summer freak-fest Bachelor in Paradise didn’t end with whimper or a bang this season, but rather, an epic scam tailor-made for reality television history. After accepting a proposal from Jordan Kimball in the show’s finale, a tidal wive of allegations against Jenna Cooper soon piled up, which accused

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Source: Ent News

BoJack Horseman Recap: The Eulogy

Why do our parents matter so much?For a long time, I’ll admit that I thought the concept was overstated. I was an independent kid, but that just means I had transcended the limitations of my crappy childhood! Yeah, no. That’s not how it works. We always inherit a whole range

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Source: Ent News